Stiga Cultivator 500 G User Manual

Silex 500-G  
Silex 500R-G  
»HC“P”K÷»fl œOÀ‹«Œ¬¿“EÀfl RU...84  
Set the throttle control in the "Stop" position,  
and close the petrol cock when the machine has  
been stopped.  
Switch off the engine before transporting the  
machine. Never lift the machine by yourself.  
The machine is lifted by two persons, one on  
each side holding the steering and the rotor ax-  
le. Wear protective gloves and hold the machine  
upright when lifting.  
The following symbols can be found on the rotary  
cultivator/in these instructions. These will provide  
a reminder of the care and attention that is required  
during operation. If any symbol is missing, has  
been damaged or is illegible, it must immediately  
be replaced with a new one.  
This is what the symbols mean:  
Warning! Read the owner’s manual before  
operating the machine.  
When the machine is loaded on a trailer or tail-  
board it should be run up on a ramp by using its  
Warning! Rotating blade.  
Before starting work, remove all foreign objects  
such as stones, glass, cables, metal objects and  
other loose objects.  
Toys, hoses and other objects can be damaged.  
Check that the tiller is in good condition before  
using it.  
Warning! This symbol highlights impor-  
tant text in these instructions. Risk of seri-  
ous personal injury or damage to the  
machine if the instructions are not fol-  
Check that all nuts and bolts are tightened.  
Always operate the machine at low speed when  
working on stony ground.  
Do not change the engine's speed setting. The  
engine must not be overspeeded.  
The work area should be well illuminated dur-  
ing the work.  
The tiller must not be used when other persons,  
especially children, are in the vicinity.  
The tiller must not be used without the splash-  
guards or protective cover.  
The tiller must not be used if the operator is ill,  
has taken medicine, or is under the influence of  
other substances which reduce one's reactions.  
The tiller must not be used on terrain which  
slopes more than 20°.  
The user is responsible to ensure that all risks in  
the terrain are taken into consideration, and that  
procedures are taken to prevent accidents. This  
particularly applies to sloping, slippery or loose  
Start the engine carefully, according to the in-  
structions in this manual. No parts of the body  
must come in contact with the rotors.  
The engine must never be started in an enclosed  
Read through this instruction book carefully  
and make sure you understand the contents be-  
fore using the tiller.  
The tiller must only be used for gardening pur-  
Keep children away from the tiller.  
Do not allow children or persons who have not  
read the instructions to handle the tiller.  
The tiller is manufactured in accordance with  
current standards, and must not be modified or  
All the symbols on the tiller should be kept in-  
The user is liable for damages incurred by a  
third party.  
WARNING for petrol. Petrol is highly inflam-  
mable: Petrol must be stored in the requisite  
Always fill-up outdoors and with the engine  
switched off.  
Do not smoke when filling-up.  
There must be no naked flames or other sources  
of heat in the vicinity of the petrol.  
Do not start the engine if petrol has spilled out.  
Move the machine and allow the petrol to evap-  
orate before starting the machine.  
The carbon monoxide in the engine's exhaust  
fumes is poisonous and can cause death.  
Screw on the filler cap correctly after filling up.  
Wear tightly fitting clothes and heavy-duty  
shoes which completely cover the feet.  
The tank should only be half full when operat-  
ing on slopes. Petrol can leak out.  
The engine must be stopped in the following  
When the machine is left unattended  
Before the machine is filled up with petrol  
Always make sure you have a good footing, es-  
pecially on slopes.  
Check that no one is in front of you or beside  
you when starting the blades. Keep a steady  
grip on the steering. The machine will lift when  
the rotors are started. Use extra caution when  
Always keep at a safe distance to the rotors  
when working.  
Holding the steering correctly ensures a safe  
No person must come closer than 20 m to the  
machine when working on slopes. The user  
must hold the steering firmly with both hands  
all the time.  
Working on stony or hard ground demands ex-  
tra attention from the operator. The machine be-  
comes more unstable.  
Never touch the engine when operating the ma-  
chine, or just afterwards. Risk for burn injuries.  
jury. If the muffler is damaged it must be re-  
The engine must be stopped and the spark plug  
lead disconnected in the following circumstanc-  
When adjusting the rotors.  
When the machine is to be cleaned or repaired.  
When checking after a collision with a solid  
hard object. Carry out the necessary repairs be-  
fore continuing to work.  
If the machine begins to vibrate abnormally.  
Carry out the necessary repairs before continu-  
ing to work.  
Wear protective gloves when working with the  
3.1 Auxiliary wheel  
Install the auxiliary wheel (2:F) in the front hole  
and lock using the locking pin (2:A).  
3.2 Depth skid  
Install the depth skid (3:G) in the middle hole at  
the rear and lock using the locking pin (3:B).  
3.3 Handle  
Install the handle’s base (4:G) with handle (4:E) as  
1. Position the base (4:G) on the machine.  
2. Remove the four screws (4) with the washers  
(4:H). Do not tighten the screws yet.  
3. Hold the right and left handle (4:E ) in place and  
install using the two screws (4:F) with nuts and  
washers (4:C+D). Tighten the screws.  
4. Set the handle to a comfortable working height  
and tighten the screws (4:H).  
Allow the engine to cool before putting the ma-  
chine in a storeroom. Fire risk!  
Remove dirt and foreign material before putting  
the machine in a storeroom. The area round the  
petrol tank and muffler must be kept clean from  
leaves, oil, petrol or other foreign materials.  
Fire risk!  
If the petrol tank is to be emptied, do this out-  
doors and when the engine is cold. Fire risk!  
The machine should be stored in a dry place.  
The machine must not stored with fuel in the  
tank in rooms where there are naked flames,  
sparks or other strong sources of heat.  
3.4 Throttle control  
Install the throttle (1:A) on the left handle. See fig.  
3.5 Throttle cable  
1. Install the throttle cable on the engine if not al-  
ready installed. See the engine supplier’s man-  
Carry out maintenance regularly. All nuts and  
bolts should always be tight.  
Only use genuine spare parts which are in good  
condition. Spare parts must not be repaired.  
They must be replaced if they are defective.  
Poor quality spare parts can lead to personal in-  
2. Install the cable in the throttle. See fig. 7.  
3.6 Cable for reverse control  
Only applies to 500R-G.  
The cable is marked R.  
4.4 Handle (1:B)  
The handle has two handgrips that are used to op-  
erate the machine over the area to be cultivated.  
1. Hook the cable in the reverse control (1:C) and  
insert the cable in the gap in the cable housing’s  
mounting on the left handle.  
4.5 Fuel cap  
See the accompanying engine manual.  
Unscrew the fuel cap to fill with petrol. The fuel  
cap must always be closed during operation.  
2. Adjust the cable sleeve if necessary.  
3.7 Drive cable  
4.6 Angle adjustment handle (1:E)  
Release the knob and set the handle to the desired  
1. Hook the cable in the drive control (1:D) and in-  
sert the cable in the gap in the cable housing’s  
mounting on the left handle.  
Then retighten the knob again.  
2. Adjust the cable sleeve if necessary.  
4.7 Height adjustment handle (1:F)  
Slacken off the screws and set the handle to the de-  
sired height.  
3.8 Front protection  
Install the front protection (5:J). Use the screws  
Then retighten the screws again.  
4.8 Oil filling/draining  
Always check the oil level before start-  
ing the engine.  
The rotary cultivator is driven by a four-stroke en-  
gine and is intended for soil cultivation in private  
gardens. The most important parts and controls of  
the rotary cultivator are described below.  
See the accompanying engine manual.  
Plug for oil filler and checking the oil level.  
4.1 Reverse control (1:C)  
Only applies to 500R-G.  
To drain the oil, the machine must be tilted so that  
the oil runs out from the same hole.  
The control is used to start the rotor for reverse  
when the engine is running.  
The reverse control and drive control (1:D) must  
never be activated at the same time.  
4.9 Auxiliary wheel (1:H)  
The auxiliary wheel is intended to assist transport  
of the machine and has two positions.  
The auxiliary wheel must not be installed when  
carrying out work.  
Control in idle mode (forward) – No drive.  
The auxiliary wheel must be installed when  
Control moved backwards – The machine  
Remove/install the auxiliary wheel as follows:  
1. Pull out the locking pin (2:A).  
2. Remove the auxiliary wheel downwards.  
3. Reinstall the locking pin in the auxiliary wheel  
Install in reverse order  
4.2 Drive control (1:D)  
The control is used to start the rotor for forward  
motion when the engine is running.  
The reverse control (1:C) and drive control must  
never be activated at the same time.  
Control in idle mode (down) – No drive.  
4.10Rotors (1:J)  
Nobody must be close to the dangerous  
rotors during operation.  
Control pulled in – Forward operation.  
The rotors are made of special steel and work  
the soil at the same time as the machine is pro-  
pelled forwards.  
4.3 Throttle and stop (1:A)  
The control determines the engine’s rpm and has  
start and stop positions.  
4.11Cutting disc (1:K)  
Nobody must be close to the dangerous  
cutting discs during operation.  
5.1 Fuel  
The cutting discs are on respective rotor  
axles and are designed to border the working area  
and facilitate control of the machine.  
Read and understand all safety instruc-  
No fires or smoking near to petrol.  
Use 92-95 octane lead free petrol.  
Oil-mixed petrol designed for 2-stroke engines  
must never be used.  
4.12 Choke  
The choke must never be activated dur-  
ing operation. This will damage the en-  
Read and understand all safety instruc-  
If the engine has been running, wait a  
few minutes until it has cooled before  
filling up.  
See the accompanying engine manual.  
The choke must be activated at cold starts.  
4.13 Starting handle  
See the accompanying engine manual.  
Fill carefully to prevent the spillage of  
Move the rotary cultivator at least 3 me-  
tres from the filling site before starting.  
Handle for starting the engine.  
4.14Depth skid (1:G)  
The task of the depth skid is to keep the machine  
stable so that the soil can be cultivated.  
The depth skid has three positions. Shifting takes  
place as follows:  
1. Pull out the locking pin (3:B).  
2. Pull out the depth skid and reinstall in the de-  
sired position.  
3. Reinstall the locking pin.  
The different operating properties are shown ac-  
cording to the table below:  
Fill as follows:  
1. Clean around the fuel cap.  
2. Unscrew the filler cap.  
3. Fill using a funnel or use a filler can with spout  
to prevent spillage.  
4. Tighten the filler cap.  
5. Move the rotary cultivator at least 3 metres  
from the place of filling before starting.  
Move the rotary cultivator at least 3 me-  
tres from the filling site before starting.  
The machine works itself for-  
ward , angled to the left.  
The machine works itself for-  
ward without being angled to  
either side.  
The machine works itself for-  
ward, angled to the right.  
5.2 Engine Oil  
Always check the oil level before start-  
ing. Otherwise there is a risk of serious  
engine damage.  
Also see “4.8”. Check the oil level as follows:  
1. Position the machine so that the engine is hori-  
2. Unscrew the oil filler and check that the oil lev-  
el is at the upper mark on the dipstick. See the  
accompanying engine manual.  
3. Top up the oil if necessary. Use normal engine  
oil SAE 10W-30.  
4. Reassemble the oil filler cap.  
Move the rotary cultivator at least 3 me-  
tres from the filling site before starting.  
5.2.1 Starting the engine from cold  
1. Put the choke in position “CHOKE”. See the  
accompanying engine manual.  
Store the rotary cultivator in a dry place. Also see  
section “Safety instructions”.  
2. Set the throttle (1:A) in the “START” position.  
3. Hold the handle with one hand and slowly pull  
the starter handle with the other hand. See the  
accompanying engine manual. When the starter  
mechanism engages, quickly and forcefully pull  
the starter handle until the engine starts.  
NOTE! Do not pull the cord hard to its stop po-  
sition and do not release it in the pulled out po-  
sition. This damages the starter mechanism.  
After draining the petrol, start the engine and allow  
it to run until it runs out of petrol.  
WARNING!Repairsmustbe carried out  
by the dealer. Otherwise the guarantee  
becomes invalid.  
WARNING!Before carrying out repairs  
and maintenance, the spark plug con-  
nection must be disconnected.  
5. Reset the choke after 3-5 seconds.  
5.2.2 Starting a warm engine  
Start a hot engine according to points 2 and 3  
above. The choke/primer must not be used.  
7.1 Periodic maintenance  
Before each operation  
5.3 Operating  
1. Tip the rotary cultivator back slightly so that the  
rotor is above ground.  
2. Activate the drive control (1:D).  
3. Tilt the cultivator forward so that it works its  
way into the soil.  
Check for fuel leaks.  
Check that all screws are tightened.  
After each operation  
Clean the rotary cultivator.  
Check for fuel leaks.  
Every 25 operating hours and every 3 months  
4. If the machine has a reverse control, activate it  
Check, clean or replace the air filter.  
Check that all screws and nuts are tightened.  
5.4 Stop  
7.2 Air filter  
See the accompanying engine manual.  
Stop the rotary cultivator by setting the throttle and  
stop control (1:A) to “STOP”.  
Do not use flammable liquids when  
Serious engine damage can be caused if  
the machine is operated with a defective  
or blocked filter.  
5.5 Operating tips  
The rotors propel the machine forward. The speed  
of the rotors is controlled by the throttle (1:A).  
Keep hands and feet away from rotating  
parts (1:J, K).  
The paper filter must never be cleaning  
with liquid.  
The optimum working depth varies with soil con-  
ditions. The working depth is determined by how  
hard the depth skid is pushed down during propul-  
sion. Operate and test.  
The machine is equipped with a pre-filter (foam  
rubber) and a main filter (paper).  
Drive 2-3 times in different directions for best re-  
Never operate the machine in wet soil. Clumps of  
earth are created that are then difficult to break-up.  
Hard and dry soil requires an extra run, at right an-  
gles to the first.  
Clean/replace the air filter every 3 months or every  
25 operating hours. During operation in dry and  
dusty conditions, the air filter must be cleaned/re-  
placed every day.  
Clean/replace the air filter as follows:  
1. Undo the screws or locking tabs and the filter  
2. Grasp the main filter (paper) and shake it a few  
times against a hard surface or blow clean with  
compressed air from the inside out.  
WARNING! Never overload a new ma-  
chine. Drive carefully for the first 5  
3. Wash the pre-filter (foam rubber) in liquid de-  
tergent and water. Then carefully twist the filter  
out and allow to dry.  
4. When the pre-filter is dry, reinstall the filter in  
reverse order.  
Cause: Sparkplug fault.  
Action: Replace spark plug.  
Fault: Weak engine, does not run at full throttle  
Cause: Blocked air filter  
Corrective action: Clean or replace the air filter.  
Fault: Stops during operation  
Cause: No fuel.  
The filters must be replaced if very dirty or defec-  
Action: Fill with petrol  
7.3 Spark plug  
See the accompanying engine manual.  
The sparkplug must be replaced in the following  
Authorised service stations carry out repairs and  
servicing. They always use genuine spare parts.  
When the electrodes are burnt.  
If the porcelain insulator indicates damage.  
If the rotary cultivator is difficult to start.  
Under no circumstances may parts oth-  
er than genuine spare parts be used.  
This is a requirement stipulated by the  
Testing Authority. The machine is ap-  
proved and tested with these parts.  
If the machine requires servicing, repair  
or maintenance that entails dismantling  
of the cover, this must be performed by  
an authorised service station.  
The electrode gap should be 0.7-0.8 mm.  
Use sparkplug Champion QC12YC or similar.  
7.4 Changing the oil  
Change the oil the first time after 2 hours of oper-  
ation, and subsequently every 25 hours of opera-  
tion or at least once a season. Change oil when the  
engine is warm.  
The manufacturer reserves the right to make alter-  
ations to the product without prior notification.  
The engine oil may be very hot if it is  
drained off directly after the engine is  
shut off. So allow the engine to cool a few  
minutes before draining the oil.  
1. Unscrew the cap for oil filling/oil draining. See  
2. Place a container on the floor.  
3. Tilt the machine so that the hole is above the  
container. See fig. 8.  
A full warranty is issued against manufacturing  
and material defects. The user must carefully fol-  
low the instructions given in the enclosed docu-  
Warranty period  
According to relevant laws.  
The warranty does not cover damage due to:  
3. Let the oil run out into the container.  
5. Fill with new oil: See “5.2”.  
7.5 Cleaning  
Never use high-pressure washing equip-  
ment when cleaning. This can cause wa-  
ter to penetrate between the seals and  
cause machine damage.  
Neglect by users to acquaint themselves with  
accompanying documentation  
Incorrect and non-permitted use or assembly  
The use of non-genuine spare parts  
The use of accessories not supplied or approved  
First brush off all dirt. Then wipe down the rotary  
cultivator using a damp cloth. The underside can  
be washed with water.  
Neither does the warranty cover:  
Wear parts  
Normal wear  
7.6 Fault-tracing  
Fault: Difficult to start  
The purchaser is covered the national laws of each  
country. The rights to which the purchaser is enti-  
tled with the support of these laws are not restrict-  
ed by this warranty.  
Cause: The fuel is too old.  
Action: Drain the tank and fill with fresh petrol.  
Cause: Sparkplug fault.  
Action: Replace spark plug.  
Fault: Engine runs unevenly  
Cause: Contaminated fuel.  
GGP reserves the right to make alterations to the  
product without prior notification.  
Action: Clean the petrol tank and carburettor.  

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